Personagens bônus e extras
Modo cheat
Entre com os códigos a seguir no quadro-negro da sala de matemática do Barnett College para habilitar novos itens que estarão disponíveis na opção "Extras" do menu. O nome da dica surgirá na tela sempre que for digitado corretamente.
Artifact Detector: VIKED7
Beep Beep: VNF59Q
Character Treasure*: VIES2R
Disarm Enemies: VKRNS9
Disguises: 4ID1N6
Fast Build: V83SLO
Fast Dig: 378RS6
Fast Fix: FJ59WS
Fertilizer: B1GW1F
Ice Rink: 33GM7J
Invincibility: B83EA1
Parcel Detector: VUT673
Poo Treasure**: WWQ1SA
Regenerate Hearts: MDLP69
Secret Characters***: 3X44AA
Silhouettes: 3HE85H
Super Scream: VN3R7S
Super Slap: 0P1TA5
Treasure x2: VM4TS9
Treasure x4: VLWEN3
Treasure x6: V84RYS
Treasure x8: A72E1M
Treasure x10: VI3PS8
Treasure Magnet: H86LA2
* destruir todos os inimigos resultará em Studs.
** animais defecarão Studs.
*** este código habilita o personagens no modo Free Play. Santa na fase in the "Into The Mountains"; Dancing Girl 2, Thieving Hoodlum 1 e Thieving Hoodlum 2 na fase "Shanghai Showdown"; Enemy Radio Operator na fase "Search For King Richard" e Graverobber 1 e Gravrobber 2 na fase "Young Indy".
Personagens bônus
Entre com os códigos a seguir no quadro-negro da sala de matemática do Barnett College para habilitar novos personagens que ficarão disponíveis para compra:
Barranca: 04EM94
Belloq (deserto): CHN3YU
Belloq (selva): TDR197
Belloq (mago): VEO29L
Boxer: 8246RB
British officer: VJ5TI9
British troop: DJ5I2W
British troop commander: B73EUA
Captain Katanga: VJ3TT3
Chatterlal: ENW936
Chucin: 3NK48T
Colonel Dietrich: 2K9RKS
Colonel Vogel: 8EAL4H
Dancing girl: C7EJ21
Desert digger: 12N68W
Desert enemy officer: 2MK45O
Desert masked bandit: N48SF0
Desert monkey man: 3RF6YJ
Desert soldier: 4NSU7Q
Desert swordsman: 1MK4RT
Donovan: 3NFTU8
Dr. Schneider (deserto): JSNRT9
Dr. Schneider (oficial): VMJ5US
Enemy Bazookaman: S93Y5R
Enemy bazookaman: MK83R7
Enemy butler: VJ48W3
Enemy communications officer: 1MF94R
Enemy guard: VJ7R51
Enemy guard (Nepal): YR47WM
Enemy officer: 572E61
Enemy pilot: B84ELP
Fedora: V75YSP
First mate: 0GIN24
Grail knight: NE6THI
Hovitos tribesman: H0V1SS
Indiana Jones (official): VJ85OS
Indiana Jones disguised : 4J8S4M
Jungle guide: 24PF34
Kaokan: WMO46L
Kazim (deserto): 3M29TJ
Kazim (Veneza): NRH23J
Laoche: 2NK479
Maharaja: NFK5N2
Major Toht: 13NS01
Mola Ram: FJUR31
Pankot assassin: 2NKT72
Pankot guard: VN28RH
Punjabi dignitary: KD48TN
Punjabi village elder: 4682E1
Sherpa brawler: VJ37WJ
Sherpa gunner: ND762W
Slave child: 0E3ENW
Thuggee: VM683E
Thuggee Chatterlal: CNH4RY
Thuggee priest: T2R3F9
Thuggee slavedriver: VBS7GW
Willie DJ: VK93R7
Willie pajamas: MEN4IP
Wuhan: 3NSLT8
Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures (psp) dica
Posted by GLOBO NEW on 11:02
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